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Top 10 Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Shining
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Shining

Horror can manifest in many frightening forms. Indeed, the top 10 best scariest horror movies are so chillingly creepy in execution that their cold touch eerily lingers long after the credits have scrolled.

That sense of inexplicable fear could derive from nightmarish layers of suspense, for instance, or through the conjuring of disturbingly dark atmospheres smothered in eternal dread that deeply unsettle our psyches over time.

Let's not discount sinisterly administered jumpscares that deliver ice-cold shivers, rooting us to the spot in states of peripheral panic. Only the top 10 best scariest horror movies ever are capable of chilling us in such a wicked way - the very chills that summon the hairs to rise from our flesh as we enter panic-fuelled fits of fear.

These are the top 10 best scariest horror movies ever to terrify your soul on Halloween 2022.

Halloween | Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever | The Exorcist (1973)

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Exorcist
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Exorcist

Carried by Linda Blairs' chillingly satanic performance and masterfully spooky practical effects, The Exorcist (1973) set upon release, a thrilling benchmark for paranormal horror, using its dreaded atmosphere and dark premise to deliver a terrifying tale about the eternal conflict between good and evil.

Dario Argento's Susperia

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Susperia
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Susperia

Dario Argento's spine-tingling Susperia viciously delivers a multi-pronged attack on the senses, combining luridly offensive lashings of color, streams of uncensored bloodshed, artfully dynamic frights, and a chilling musical motif that jangles the nerves upon each chord struck.

Keep reading for more of the top 10 best scariest horror movies ever to feast on this Halloween 2022.

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever | Halloween | Clive Barker's Hellraiser

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Hellraiser
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Hellraiser

Clive Barker's twistedly satanic Hellraiser offers reservoirs of unfiltered gore, sinful sadomasochistic desires of the flesh, and a visually spectacular hellscape that only nightmares could recreate.

With its particularly repulsive practical effects and stomach-churning torture scenes, alongside frank's hideously gruesome metamorphosis, Hellraiser remains a sinisterly malevolent presence in the world of horror.

Silence of the Lambs

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022  | Silence of the Lambs
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Silence of the Lambs

Silence of the Lambs offers a chillingly captivating window into the ingenious yet malevolent mind of psychopathic serial killer Lecter - played to petrifying perfection by Anthony Hopkins - whose on-screen presence is sure to leave a lasting chill.

Brimming with nail-biting suspense, steered by intelligent storytelling, and flooded with edge-of-your-seat tension, Silence of the Lambs is a must-watch for white-knuckle thrill seekers and horror fans alike.

Keep scrolling for the top 10 best scariest horror movies ever for Halloween 2022.


Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Psycho
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Psycho

Even today, Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho shines as a masterfully suspenseful thriller whose infamously shocking shower shine continues to instill audience members with shivery chills.

Commanded by Anthony Perkin's compelling performance as Norman Bates and an ominous musical score, Psycho set a chilling standard for dynamically artful frights while presenting a smartly layered story full of tense turns and thrillingly unpredictable plot twists.

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever | Halloween | Alien (1979)

Some of you may be shocked to see a sci-fi horror make the cut, but Ridley Scott's space-dwelling cult-classic Alien (1979) remains to this day, a suspenseful masterpiece of cinematic filmmaking.

With its artfully harrowing creature effects, mysteriously ominous atmosphere, and disturbing body horror imagery (Thanks to John Hurt), Alien presents a torturously tense watch teaming with jump-worthy frights and psychological thrills.

Read on for more of the top 10 best scariest horror movies ever.

The Thing (1982)

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Thing
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Thing

John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) blends despicably nightmarish practical effects with bone-chilling suspense in this taut psychological thriller about human paranoia and the survivalist mindset amid impending extraterrestrial doom.

With constant thrills, chills, and hideous abominations to boot, The Thing (1982) provides simply essential viewing for fans of artfully gruesome gore and nail-biting suspense.

But expect some unsightly, stomach-wrenching frights inflicting wounds guaranteed to permanently scar.

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever | Halloween | Rosemary's Baby

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Rosemary's Baby
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Rosemary's Baby

Roman Polanski's disturbing psychological horror Rosemary's Baby torturously haunts the psyche with its spiraling sense of paranoia, claustrophobic cinematography, and devilishly satanic premise.

Imagine if, miraculously, the baby you've been fostering inside you was evil incarnate- summoned into being by satan itself. In effect, Rosemary's Baby is the horrific realization of that spine-trembling premise, playing on the emotion of maternal fear to frightening effect.

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever | Halloween | The Shining

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Shining
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | The Shining

It was a toss-up between The Omen and The Shining, but Stanley Kubrick's eerily sinister Stephen King adaptation narrowly won us over. Mainly due to its starkly iconic horror imagery and Jack Nicholson's chillingly charismatic performance as obsessive writer Jack Torrance, who becomes possessed by an evil presence occupying the Overlook hotel.

Enjoy The Shining this Halloween as one of the top 10 best scariest movies ever.

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever | Halloween | Jaws

Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Jaws
Top 10 Best Scariest Horror Movies Ever To Terrify Your Soul | Halloween 2022 | Jaws

Stephen Spielberg's cult-classic killer-shark blockbuster struck fear in the hearts of beach go-ers worldwide upon release and continues to thrill and chill audiences today thanks to John William's suspensefully sinister musical motif, charismatic performances, and bloodcurdling levels of gore by the barrel load.

Want to devour more? Keep reading the top 10 best scariest horror movies ever, or check out the best Netflix horror movies streaming now.

That concludes our creepy list of the Best scariest horror movies ever this Halloween 2022 to terrify your soul.

Want to chomp down on more creepy content? Check out our best horror movies streaming now on Amazon Prime or the 20 best Halloween horror movies to stream this very moment.


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